- INTERVIEWSOctober/28/2017
[Interview]Kllo – “Backwater”

オーストラリア・メルボルン出身の従兄弟Chloe KaulとSimon Lamによるプロジェクト、Kllo。2014年にファーストEP『Cusp』、2016年にセカンドEP『Well Worn』をリリースしている。そして先日、〈Ghostly International / Different Recordings / Good Manners Records〉より、彼らのデビュー・アルバムとなる『Backwater』をリリース。同作は、本人たちが初めて”もう子供ではない”と感じた作品であるという。
__「Virtue」は、”何かを失うまでその存在に気づかないということについて(”about not knowing what you’ve got till it’s gone,”)歌っているそうですが、何か具体的な経験が元になっているのでしょうか。
__同MVはオーストラリア・クイーンズランド州出身のフォトグラファー兼フィルムメーカーFreya Esdersが手掛けたそうですが、このコラボレーションの経緯について教えてください。

01. Downfall
02. Still Motion
03. Virtue
04. Predicament
05. Last Yearn
06. Backwater
07. Dissolve
08. By Your Side
09. Making Distractions
10. Too Fast
11. Nylon
12. Not Like Them
I’ve heard that you guys are cousins. How did you start making music together?
We were never really close growing up, we were those awkward cousins that only saw each other at family get togethers. We started making music very organically, our mum’s suggested we should try doing something together so we did and we have ever since.
Let’s talk about your upcoming first album “Backwater”. I read an interview on the internet, Chloe says “It’s the first time we hadn’t felt like kids anymore,“. What do you think is the difference between this first album and your previous EPs?
There was a lot of growth done during this album. We weren’t so naive anymore, we had to grow up quickly and start to take things more seriously. We had matured and refined not only as people but also our music. It’s a more developed Kllo.
Your album’s title, “Backwater” doesn’t really have a positive meaning. How does the title represent the whole theme of the album?
It was a moment in our lives where things were stagnant. We were progressing as a band but we had put our personal lives on hold. Our relationships, other passions and our balance had all come to a halt. A lot of this album was written on tour when we were experiencing this. It may not be positive but it’s inevitable to feel stuck in aspects of life and sometimes that’s the only way to grow and get better. Being open about it I don’t see as negative, as people can relate to it and not feel so alone in feeling this way.
How long did it take to complete “Backwater”? What is your creative process usually like?
It took us just over a year to make. We were touring majority of the writing process, so a lot of it was created in hotels and Airbnbs. We usually write everything in the same room because we can lead a song in the direction we are both happy with it.
I’ve heart that ‘Virtue’ is about “not knowing what you’ve got till it’s gone”. Did you write this song based on your personal experience?
Yes, me and my relationship at the time.
‘Downfall’’s music video has just come out. About the video, you said “It follows Chloe through from a place which she must escape, to a nostalgic place of familiarity.” What is the concept of the video and how does the idea of the song relate to the music video?
The video follows me through from the cold urbanscapes of Melbourne (my home city) to the golden tropical hues of the sunshine coast. The Sunshine coast is the place where the director Freya grew up and the Melbourne city is where she lives now. I am representing her childhood memories and her home of now, which was very special to me. This song is about overcoming the inevitable downfall and the video represents this by following my journey through from a place of hostility and isolation to a place of warmth and comfortability. The sugar cane field at the end of the video represents this release to come, that we must go through and then move on from.
Also, ‘Downfall’’s music video was directed by Freya Esders, who is a photographer/filmmaker from Queensland. How did this collaboration come about?
We did a shoot with her about a year before this and we really enjoyed her company and creative direction. We messaged her a year later and asked if she was available and lucky for us she was very excited to be a part of it. Finding someone so passionate and invested in the song and its representation made things really easy and natural to produce.
I’ve heard that ‘Dissolve’ was inspired by a Skype talk you overheard. What is the concept of the song?
I overheard a fight on Skype and soon after I recorded vocals in our hotel room. The lack of intimacy led to a heated conversation as things can be easily misinterpreted through a screen. I saw this and I related to it. It has a strong message, it’s about self respect.
I’ve heard that Chloe used to make folk music and that Simon is also a member of “I’lls”. How have these experiences influenced Kllo’s music?
Like everything, the more experiences made in a specific profession, the more that is learned. Those stages of our lives were the trial and error and the experimental stages before finding our feet and knowing what direction we wanted to take ourselves with music. We were able to take both our previous musical experiences and combine them into this project.
What’s coming up next for you after your release of “Backwater”?
After tour we are planning on having a break and then write more music again.