
[Interview]Anna of the North − “Lovers”

 ノルウェー・オスロを拠点に活動するAnna LotterudとBrady Daniell-Smithによるデュオ、Anna of the North。失恋に深く根付いた作品であるというファーストアルバム『Lovers』は、AnnaとBradyふたりの実体験を元にした作品でありながら、誰しもが共感できるような失恋の痛みや、そこから立ち直っていく様子が、どこまでも親しみやすく、ポップに表現されている。

 自身のSoundCloudにアップした「Sway」がきっかけでデビューを果たし、その後も「Dreamer」や「Baby」など数々のシングルをリリースしてきた彼ら。この夏には、Tyler, the Creatorの楽曲に参加したことでもより一層の注目を集め、今後の活躍への期待も高まる中、デビュー作『Lovers』の制作背景を中心にボーカルのAnnaに話を聞くことができた。




私は自分のことをよく理解していないし、二人で一緒に音楽のキャリアを始めるつもりも特になかった。私はその時ノルウェーに帰省中で、少し感情的になっていてとにかく曲をたくさん作りたかったのを覚えてる。ちょうどBradyが「Since You Got On」っていう曲をSoundCloudにアップしていて、私がその曲をとても気に入ってそれに似た感じのものを彼と一緒に作れないかって聞いた。そこから「Sway」という曲が生まれた。





__アルバムのタイトルトラック「Lovers」は、「交際を始めたばかりの二人が交わす、非現実的な約束というむなしさについての曲」(“speaking of the emptiness of the unrealistic promises we make to each other at the start of relationships”)とのことですが、楽曲のテーマについて詳しく教えてください。




__アルバムには、2016年のシングル「Baby」が収録されています。”Don’t fight it”というフレーズが繰り返されますが、この曲のテーマについて教えてください。

「Baby」はいまだに私のお気に入りの曲の一つ。あのゆっくりとしたテンポがずっと大好き。曲は、誰かに恋をしている時についてのもの。付き合い始めたばかりの時とか、そうじゃない時でも。相手から自分が求めているものをなかなか得られなくて、その関係について常に疑問を抱きながら彷徨ってしまう。いつもお腹のあたりにその悪い感情を抱えながらね。自分の好きな人にはただ、放っておいてでも自分のことを愛していて欲しいから、「Don’t fight it」と歌っている。

__「Fire」は、今作の最後に書かれた曲であり、「恋愛関係の最後において、お互いがしてしまう破壊的なことについての曲」(“Fire’ is about the destructive things we always do to each other at the end of relationships)とのことですが、何か具体的な経験から生まれたのでしょうか。


__AnnaさんはTyler, the Creatorの新曲「911/ Mr. lonely」、「Boredom」にも参加されていますが、このコラボレーションの経緯について教えてください。また、彼との作業はいかがでしたか。

そのコラボレーションは本当に自然な流れで起こった。Odd FutureのTacoが、Tylerと一緒に何かやってみないかって私を誘ってくれて、Tylerに私のメールアドレスを教えたら、彼から返信がきて。本当に楽なコラボレーションだった。私は全てノルウェーでレコーディングして、それをTylerに送ったんだけど、彼らはあまり詳細については教えてくれなかったから、私のボーカルがTylerのアルバムに使われるのかもわからなかった。だからその曲がリリースされた時には本当に興奮した。



01. Moving On
02. Someone
03. Lovers
04. Money
05. Always
06. Feels
07. Baby
08. Friends
09. Fire
10. All I Want
11. Oslo*
12. Us*
13. The Dreamer*

Anna is from Norway and Brady is from New Zealand. How did you guys meet and start making music together?

We met when i was studying abroad in Melbourne. Brady was playing this acoustic gig and somehow I ended up singing with him. That’s kind of how it all started.

I’ve heard that your debut single “Sway”, which was streamed over 10 thousand times in a week and landed you a record deal with Honeymoon in the US. How did this song come about?

I don’t really know myself. We didn’t really plan on a music career together. I remember travelling back home to Norway and I was a bit emotional so really felt like writing a lot of music. I heard this track Brady posted on Soundcloud called Since You Got On. I really liked it and asked if I could join him on something similar. That’s how Sway happened.

On Ja Ja Ja interview in 2014, Anna said she’s suffering from sleep deprivation and only sleeps about 4 hours a week. How has this experience influenced your music or your creative process?

I’ve always enjoyed working at night. I don’t know, it’s just so quiet. No one is trying to get in touch with you. Everyone else is sleeping. It’s no stress. It’s just you and your thoughts alone.

I’ve heard that your upcoming debut album “Lovers” is deeply rooted in heartbreak. Could you tell us the concept of the album in more detail?

The album is quite personal for both of us. I think both of us found a lot of inspiration from our own lives, friends and family. We hadn’t really planned the entire album from start to finish. The most important thing for us is that we enjoyed what we’re doing. Just making music. One thing was always clear to both of us though. Even though it’s a heartbreak album we also wanted it to be positive and hopeful.

About the album’s title track ‘Lovers’, Brady describes the song as “speaking
of the emptiness of the unrealistic promises we make to each other at the start of relationships.” What is the underlying theme of this track?

When you fall in love with someone you often say all these things and give all these promises but you can’t really promise someone an entire lifetime of happiness together. That’s just stupid.

You released your music video for ‘Lovers’ as well and the video is shot in red. What is the concept of the video? For example, why did you choose red?

Because red is a nice colour. Hah. It’s just a simple video based on a long night at an after party.

Your latest album also includes ‘Baby’ and in this song you repeat the phrase “Don’t fight it”. What is the theme of this song?

Baby is still one of my favourite songs. I’ve always been really into slow jams. The song is about being in love with someone. The start of something that might or might not be a relationship. When you don’t really get the affirmation that you need. So you walk around always questioning the relationship. You always have this bad feeling in your stomach. You just want the person you’re in love with to let go and love you back. Therefore «don’t fight it».

I’ve heard that ‘Fire’ was the last song you wrote for the album and the song is about the destructive things we always do to each other at the end of the relationships. Is there any personal experience that inspired you to make this song?

I can definitely identify with this song. It’s the end of a destructive relationship. It’s just messy. For me Fire is the power song of the album. The moment when you finally let go.

Anna collaborated with Tyler, the Creator for “911 / Mr. Lonely” and “Boredom”. How did this collaboration happen and what was it like to work with him?

It happened really organically. Taco from odd future asked me if I could help Tyler with something. I gave him my mail and Tyler mailed me back. It was the easiest collab ever. I recorded everything here in Norway sent it over to him. They were really secretive though. So I never really knew if my vocals were gonna get on the album. So I was pretty stoked when he released the tracks.

Could you tell us what’s coming up next for you after releasing your first album? Do you have any plans to visit Japan for this release?

It feels really great to be done with this album. I really wanna spend a lot of time writing. Collaborate more. Just explore music. We’re gonna play a fair few shows in Europe and hopefully the US. It’s a dream to go to Japan. So fingers crossed it will happen.

Photo by Magnus Nordstrand
